‘“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”- Rob Siltanen.
To me this statement is rebel. It’s a plot twist, the overthrow, We the People – You and Me.
I’ve been a rebel against authority since I was a teenager. Standing up against the false narrative, against bullies, standing up for an individual or cause and for peoples rights is my norm.
I was unstoppable in 2022 really, the Truth was irrefutable and the lies literally showed for themselves to anyone who cared about the truth. The defamatory game government had run against myself was not over but it was won – out of the courts. Police unable to legally take me to court for anything legal as an good Samaritan and upstanding member of the public. A reputation I was able to maintain amongst individuals interested in the truth and not defamation. Very few interested in the truth if they could benefit from the lies.
The plot of police efforts to cover up sex offending including paedophilia thickened with every intentional, malicious accusations made against my character. The efforts by police forces to distort the truth and disrupt my safety were as endless as the decades of abuses of power and process that police so desperately wanted to hide. Police officers encouraged and committed blatant perjury in a cover up operation to pervert the course of justice and bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
The police were desperate, government was desperate and the petty criminals and gossips too – all needed the defamation to permeate to benefit. Damages by 2022 astronomical, too my surprise the police forces of Australia played the illegal card, and acted on malpractice and maladministration of a known criminal employed by VICPOL.
Falsely incarcerated, the time gave me opportunity. Over twenty days, felt like a month. Falsely incarcerated for twenty-three days I recorded all the illegal on goings, property theft, lack of time out of cell, withholding medication, etc, and reported through the appropriate avenues before whistleblowing the Victorian government run jail. Upon my release I was ready to update my autobiographies and follow up the reports to governing bodies. Which I did. The truth circulated the globe free to download from the National Library of Australia and available to borrow at The British Library before VICPOL settled on irrefutable torts. The shamelessness of both men and women employed in law enforcement and government who were failing to act on sexual misconduct and institutional abuse a display of contemptible cowardice and despicable lack of morality.
I personally as a whistle-blower could foresee the police forces were going to do the wrong thing “Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”- Rob Siltanen.
To me this statement is rebel. It’s a plot twist, the overthrow, We the People – You and Me.
I’ve been a rebel against authority since I was a teenager. Standing up against the false narrative, against bullies, standing up for an individual or cause and for peoples rights is my norm.
I was unstoppable in 2022 really, the Truth was irrefutable and the lies literally showed for themselves to anyone who cared about the truth. More so with the truth in black and white by the beginning of 2023, though you only knew this if you were close to me or bothered reading – which most didn’t do. Surprised by this, I pursued justice and the truth to no end. The defamatory game government had run against myself was not over but it was won – out of the courts. Police unable to legally take me to court for anything legal as an good Samaritan and upstanding member of the public. A reputation I was able to maintain, just. It was shocking how very few people are Really interested in the truth if they can benefit from the lies.
The plot of police efforts to cover up sex offending including paedophilia thickened with every intentional, malicious accusation made against my character. The efforts by police forces to distort the truth and disrupt my safety were as endless as the decades of abuses of power and process that police so desperately wanted to hide. Police officers encouraged and committed blatant perjury in a cover up operation to pervert the course of justice and bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
Damages by 2022 astronomical, too my surprise the police forces of Australia played the illegal card, and acted on malpractice and maladministration of a known criminal employed by VICPOL. Actions which continued into 2023 under an irrefutably venal federal government of Labor, led by Anthony Albanese. The government responsible for criminal negligence over disabled persons and police operations surrounding myself. Police forces, knowing what I know, I think must have quietly rejoiced in the newly elected national government which led the way for paedophilia cover ups with the unconstitutional association laws introduced in 2008 under Labor Mike Rann government. Mike Rann known publically for his association with paedophilia and his part in grooming young men for notorious sex offender Bevan Spencer von Einem, though the ex state parliament leader has never been charged by SAPOL for grooming at the least. Recorded offences, even discussed with Flinders University researchers victims of Bevan Spencer von Einem claim. Sad truths. Reality is, how could SAPOL charge government officials – especially officials with power over them, when the police had been engaging in the same level of sexual crimes.
All this public and The Story Behind the Brand BARBWIRE NOOSE global by 2023, it seemed nothing but the media’s involvement was going to stop the abomination of a cover up. Meanwhile, the media were like crickets on all this government departmental criminal negligence and the cover up. Media Always floated around in the background surrounding me, getting lost in the most damaging cover up known in Australian history. Australia’s national security completely compromised by paedophile offences and sex crimes which flooded law enforcement, the defence force and leading ministerial roles.
The police were desperate, government was desperate and the petty criminals and gossips desperate too – all needed the defamation to permeate to benefit.
Falsely incarcerated, the time gave me opportunity. Over twenty days, felt like a month. Falsely incarcerated for twenty-three days I recorded all the illegal on goings, property theft, lack of time out of cell, withholding medication, etc, and reported through the appropriate avenues before whistleblowing the Victorian government run jail. Upon my release I was ready to update my autobiographies and follow up the reports to governing bodies. Which I did. The truth circulated the globe free to download from the National Library of Australia and available to borrow at The British Library before VICPOL settled on irrefutable torts. The shamelessness of both men and women employed in law enforcement and government who were failing to act on sexual misconduct and institutional abuse a display of contemptible cowardice and despicable lack of morality.
I personally, as a whistle-blower, could foresee the police forces were going to do the wrong thing and compromise my life thinking they were running a successful cover up before they settled torts. And I was right. Inductive reasoning – using past experiences to make future predictions is natural, logical – induction philosophy.
I had a lawyer. I always had a lawyer. Usually communicating with numerous lawyers at once. Nearly always, my legal representation failed to act in my best interests. Cooperative with malicious accusations, in this torts case beginning 2022 my legal representation allowed the unreasonable administrative delay of the government agency VICPOL and Freedom of Information (FOI) resulting in it failing to complete torts claim action acknowledged by the judge resulting in an undisputed winning case, within a particular time frame (over a year!!). Then seemingly abandoned representation all together. The withholding of FOI, court records – intentional justice delayed; unduly delay can be rightly labelled an intentional action of perjury. Due process violations, amongst other delay tactics used by law enforcement; perjury, perversion of justice, malfeasance irrefutably at the top of the cover up check list.
I knew this was going to be a me verses Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) and Victoria Police (VICPOL) for their illegalities thing. When the date passed 5th September 2023 without torts settlement, I knew the Australian Federal Police (AFP) had been complicit and directly part of the torts. Both Reece Kershaw the AFP Commissioner and Shane Patton, a VICPOL police commissioner happy to drown in the venal state of the law enforcement cover up of paedophilia and its endless malfeasance. Stealing justice from vulnerable Australians as police officers for paedophilia, I’m not sure that the police force can go much lower than this.
So, I went through the motions of reporting to managers and ombudsman. Not surprisingly, nothing much changed as nearly a year passed. VICPOL and DPFC employees stealing my property and damaging my property in an intentional and malicious attempt to furthermore recklessly endanger my life. Blatant perjury and criminal conduct by VICPOL in hopes I would loose my life or seek the refuge of suicide. Actions supported by the AFP led by Reece Kershaw. I was deprived of liberties, deprived of a safe place, deprived of my property, etc. Endless crimes law and Human Rights violations, I was arbitrarily arrested and detained. The incarceration based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system “an arbitrary decision” made by police abuse of power and process (malpractice and maladministration).
The Melbourne detention centre a cesspool of human rights violations, sexual indiscretions – criminally illegal violations.
I went through the motions of reporting to managers and ombudsman. Not surprisingly, nothing much changed as nearly a year passed. VICPOL and DPFC employees stealing my property and damaging my property in an intentional and malicious attempt to furthermore recklessly endanger my life. Blatant perjury and criminal conduct by VICPOL in hopes I would loose my life or seek the refuge of suicide. Actions supported by the AFP led by Reece Kershaw. I was deprived of liberties, deprived of a safe place, deprived of my property, etc. Endless crimes law and Human Rights violations, I was arbitrarily arrested and detained. The incarceration based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system “an arbitrary decision” made by police abuse of power and process (malpractice and maladministration).
The Melbourne detention centre a cesspool of human rights violations, sexual indiscretions – criminally illegal violations. DPFC who employed many ex VICPOL members. Police directly threatening my safety inside DPFC as I pursued a major tort claim and criminal charges against police. The court’s of Victoria actions aiding and abetting a plot by VICPOL to endanger my life detrimentally. The decision of remand instead of bail by the male judge on the nineteenth of August 2023 complicit in an assassination plot. Personally I spoke out in court stating the punishment of remand was excessive, which the judge acknowledged on the fifth of September 2022 upon my release. A decade of police recklessly endangering my life by circulating the malicious accusations with no basis or facts of sex industry work, escalating to claims that I ‘dated’ cops and damaging claims of an informant status while I was arbitrarily detained. Damages amounting to an un-compensable damaging level. My time lost, a month and my brand Barbwire Noose 2022 NYFW opportunity unredeemable. Un-compensable costs to my reputation, business and safety that somehow I needed to sum up a settlement price for. Not naive to the fact that Aussie Lawyers were not a household Australian firm name for a reason. Police willing to cost the tax payers millions, yet my suffering at the hands of a police sex offender and government corruption compensated would be reinvested into economies viably. Thinking resolution, the process would be less costly overall settled outside of court. Especially when the damages surmount to loosing a second opportunity to attend New York Fashion Week (NYFW) and the intentional engagement of further malicious torts. I had thought about resolution a lot over the years that I witnessed the police cover up of sex crimes. The total overall with charges and all facets and government departments held accountable through courts is billions – the total alone spent on the cover up setting the bar of the enormity of my suffering.
VICPOL sort thirty-five weeks to release Freedom of Information (FOI) to my fickle litigation. A process breaching constitutional rights to fair trial. The legal maxim of justice delayed is justice denied an intricate necessity for a cover up. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) failing to charge police officers with their involvement in Organised crime since 2014 and on-going added a further torts claim that I would need to litigate against the venal AFP. The AFP witness too and part of the process that arbitrarily deprived me of my freedom, officers wilfully contributing to the abuse of power and process. Which was evident after nearly a year passed from false incarceration.
Thirty-five weeks allowing VICPOL time to disrupt my life further while police forces worked to disrupt my attendance to NYFW2023. I was seeking over five million dollars settlement regarding the most severe emotional distress including torture claims, intentional efforts of perjury and damages since 2012. Not happy but willing to go to court for resolution, acknowledging this process carries further emotional distress which should be compensated.
My emotional distress was overwhelming and life threatening circumstances reached a level to which I should have been dead. I spent alot of money on medicinal marijuana (cannabis) in 2023, government prescribed I knew exactly what I was getting. The process an absolute bullshit head fuck, I strongly feel government should not be regulators of a natural seed that’s suffered decades of oppressive legislation though broadly known for medical treatment. The good thing about medical weed is I knew exactly what I was getting and based my treatment on what I had commonly smoked for years. Cannabis my long term 101 for dealing with life’s stresses, I took the medicinal use thing seriously. Personally, I knew how to deal with my CPTSD. I’d been in this state of complex trauma recovery since sixteen years of age. I wanted the antidepressant feeling to calm my emotions and avoid collapsing again. Most strains prescribed were over twenty percent THC and did enough to help me deal with it without smoking everyday or excessively like I did 2019/2020 with court proceedings surrounding my statement against police paedophile Kurt Slaven.
The best thing I could do to refute false narrative and perception was write. Great therapy too. Counsellor’s agreeing writing was great, lawyers acknowledged my legal research and case referencing showed my book to be well written, judges encouraged my pursuit of my talents, publishers praised and published my books. Writing became my Rebellion. I still had to fight to see justice for a sex crime against a minor and for the cover up of crimes against persons with the brain capacity of an infant, but it could no longer be covered up. Not with the truth written and me still writing.
My family would be part responsible for the loss of my life in criminal negligence (if so) and their contribution to my house being illegally acquisitioned. I have no doubt in my mind about there level of responsibility relying on how much the public knows, the anomalies irrefutable. My parents had been fickle in their support of my pursuits for justice since go. Time does Not heal all wounds. Subject to endless investigations into nothing so police could pervert the course of justice for sex offenders. I found very little relief from malicious intention for over half a decade being forced to seek new residencies because everyone joined the small minded gossip. The bigotry of the human race the reason for every war ever started and fought. And it was everywhere, government haters were bigots, hippies were bigots, LGBTQ community were bigots, even those in disabilities sector work held belief’s and arrogant opinions which diminished justices for all. Diminished Human rights. The lows of man will never surprise me. I never regretted the fight, but I did regret giving respect to many people that deserved a smack in the head in the end. Some so hopelessly hopeless in life they could not afford the defamation they spread and cared not for the disabled persons to which they were depriving justice all together. Such ignorance only learns from violence sadly, dominated by the primal mentality of dog eat dog. The absence of logical rationale is often frustrating, hence the endless memes about idiots reminding us of our like-mindedness on social media.
I had spent year’s counteracting much disruptions to Barbwire Noose which cost the brand excessively in damages and ensured profits remained low because of a constant need to invest in reputational Public Relations. Brand Barbwire Noose turnover limited with the budget of the misappropriation of tax payers funds in a cover up seeming to be a multi million dollar venture. Despite my personal efforts to get on with life, defamation fell on feeble ears and devastated justice for both the disabled and myself in the legal maxim of justice delayed is justice denied. Julian Assange knowing the lack of boundaries regarding injustices allowed towards whistle-blowers well. The incarceration, all the institutional on going’s felt next level – Assange level oppression.
I had been cast as an extra in a series starring icon actress Sigourney Weaver as well as cast as lead actor for a state-wide television advertisement in the Northern Territory in 2022. These acting roles filmed before VICPOL, AFP and other police forces maliciously engaged torts in a cover up of sex offending including paedophilia. If I was being investigated at this time for any accusations – malicious or pending, police would have on record my acting roles and would be aware of the damages they were intentionally causing by acting on false allegations to cover up sex crimes. Irrefutably, I was intentionally and maliciously incarcerated causing further torts litigation action from myself against VICPOL. My lawyer, Aussie Lawyers aiding and abetting torts of emotional distress allowing my life to be obstructed by delays and by not taking legal action in my best interests like an application of mandamus writ and further litigation actions against VICPOL. Especially considering the courts had acknowledged that I should not have been incarcerated over text messages – a conclusion that settles the torts claim without the need for court proceedings or Integrity Commission (IBAC) conclusion. Pro-bono is rarely a dedicated legal action for the average income earner (aka whistle-blower) against the government. Lawyers run scared at the least regarding losing legal aid favours. After years of being dicked around by lawyers as police tried to justify sex crimes with claims of prostitution and mental instability, I had enough of the attitudes of litigation and the severe compromise to the justice system of Australia due to departmental lack of separation of powers – institutional abuse. Luckily a legal student of my own, I was able to use statutory declarations and legal documents to make legal arrangements myself.
Everyone around me showed to be opportunistic at the expense of my welfare with no concerns regarding the disabled persons justice police and government were side stepping with severe defamation in character assassination attempts to bury the truth.
The advert filmed was a mental health campaign for recovery, the EASA counselling service TVC filmed prior to myself being falsely incarcerated and aired upon my release. I seriously could have benefited from a meditation session or two with these guys after such a vile, violating and humiliating experience of false incarceration. The TVC scheduled to air for much of 2023 it was rumoured when filming, on both television and internet-based platforms. The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart starring Sigourney Weaver and Australia’s Asher Keddie, a global television series based off a famous book. It seemed evident that no matter how hard I worked, the damages caused by malicious accusations with no basis or facts by this stage were beyond my ability to repair without police charged under the torture act, privacy and security act, crimes act, police disciplinary act and substantial torts settlement. With respect to my rights to take civil action regarding malicious and intentional defamation causing further PTSD from emotional distress caused by grievous bodily harm stemming from defamation circulated by police and low lives.
Giving life to the death of my soul, my dignity gave way to the ultimate Rebellion. Liberation from social definition by the completely contrasting life I lived compared to that which police led people to believe. I let people think whatever for a while mid 2023. Leaving the fools to be foolish, I corrected only but a few lost souls and lived more so than usual by my own quote “Judgement and perception have NO value here.” Very liberating after years of counteractive measures to subdue the narrative.
People will believe what suits them most of the time. After a decade of defamation from revenge porn and police criminal negligence I knew this was fact all to well – people will believe what they want to believe. When you realise the truth mattering to a person is obvious, then your interactions with the ignorant become less painful - I think anyway.
My OnlyFans account revealing many Mount Gambier residents malicious remarks implying sex work, pornography, etc. Some trying to engage myself as a sex worker, it actually being illegal to randomly offer someone money or reward for sexual favour. The implications of sex work proving the damages caused by SAPOL police and my family in a cover up of sex offending. A cover up I witnessed and can legally testify under oath occurred from at least 2016 ongoing into 2023. To be free from governance institutional abuse resolution, public accountability, a pursuit of relevant criminal charges, and civil litigation compensations were my only option. I had been avoiding High Court application, knowing the Australian High Courts function was led by government. A fact irrefutable after the release of George Pell under the liberal government of Scott Morrison.
For me the damages were literally proven within the evident decline of my life, lifestyle and personal status in the community since assisting the police force with the deliberately botched Gordon Hamm homicide. A homicide investigation that proved Australian police force were involved in dealing ICE, organised crime and murder.
When I opened an OnlyFans account, if was after I was repeatedly and excessively illegally strip searched (mainly just stripped over and over again) across two countries and a total of three states (international and Australian National). NSWPOL illegally strip searching myself on camera for both male and female guards to witness. This action causing myself so much distress I struggled to eat even though I was starving, having survived nearing a week of false incarceration. A severe lack of hygiene needs and a very questionable level of liberties supplied to a person not convicted of any crimes – myself, a humble Human Rights Activist. The account further solidifying within many direct messages, that police covering up sex crimes with malicious accusations with no basis or facts regarding sex work and myself were insurmountable without legal ramifications to all involved in an affray of defamation to benefit sex offenders. Knowing the damage was astronomical in my hometown of Mount Gambier, due to SAPOL institutional harassment acknowledged by Magistrate Teresa Anderson 2018 in a Mount Gambier Magistrates Court hearing witnessed by lawyer John Kyrimis (yet she seemingly did not call Royal Commission into SAPOL at this time!?). When OnlyFans revealed the seedy and unsavoury requests coming in from people I knew and went to school with, I had evidence of the damages caused by police forces shameful agenda.
Police forces maliciously collecting explicit and personal content from boyfriends and relations over the years and intentionally spreading much R-rated content, amongst many circles of society proved out of control regarding both myself and Barbwire Noose suffering reputational and across the board potential earnings damages.
In general soliciting is banned in Australia under section 25 of the Summary Offences Act, punishable by a maximum penalty of a $750 fine. It is an offence to assist in, or keep, or manage a brothel, as well as receive money paid in a brothel in respect of sex work, pursuant to section 28 (2022).
By definition Solicitation is a noun
1. The act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone.
“he was a regular target for solicitation of funds”
2. The act of accosting someone and offering one’s or someone else’s services as a prostitute.
One could argue the malicious accusations with no basis or facts recorded with police circulated to the point where they had engaged solicitation – offering myself in defamation as a prostitute to fellow police engaging with prostitutes, bikers, freemasons and other persons as I was pursued for sexual service and by sex work employment with bikers (brothels).
Furthermore, from this set up in a cover up police actions reflect that of entrapment.
The defamatory damage was everywhere, so I was able to use the police agenda to prove defamation after in 2021 seeking a defamation claim against my Uncle and police forces. Anderson’s lawyers, Adelaide, SA unwilling to take the substantial case on, clearly shows where they sit on the just justice ladder. Utilising what had already been exploited, me, I used revenge porn to rebel against the narrative. Continuing my crusade to prove defamation while using OnlyFans to personally investigate the excessive damages caused to my personal reputation in over a decade. A widely accepted professional and explicit content website. The space created a safe opportunity to capitalise from damages while protesting the narrative. Counteractive measures to the defamation going from costing Barbwire Noose financially to covering counteraction cost with counteraction. The platform for me personally has been empowering, viable, expressive and a progressive action towards legal resolutions. The fact that persons I was friends with at school, people who knew my moral high-ground attitude and watched me study to qualify for a legal degree at university could be convinced of malicious accusations with no basis or facts was irrefutable proof of the severity of damages created by this desperate plot to cover up governance sex crimes. Authoring this publication, two of my numerous bombshell autobiographies were available to download via the National Library of Australia – unchallenged regarding the factual contents.
Quoting world renowned Author George Orwell 1984 book Chapter 7 “The Proles
But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire.”
The agenda of governments to desperately distort truths is not a new practice. In my experience, no level of illegal engagement was off the cards with attempts to distort the truth at times coming about from blatant logical fallacies. You can not turn irrefutable facts into assumptions. Trying to replace witness accounts and irrefutable evidence of cover up with maladministration. False documents being used as a defence to sexual crimes like the fanciful map drawn for the sell-out High Courts of Australia who let George Pell out of prison despite his crimes overlooking and engaging paedophilia. A High Courts panel loyal to the government that appoints them is much of the reasons behind the eroding of Australia’s constitutional law. I shut that bullshit straight down by putting facts, photos, and support evidence in these books. A cover up is Never okay or legal in governance. The nature of cover-up activities may constitute as crimes; such as Perjury - considered a crime in virtually all legal systems. Likewise, obstruction of justice, that is, any activity that aims to cover-up another crime, is itself a crime in many legal systems. The crime of making false statements, which includes not only providing misleading statements but also the withholding of information. Perjury (I repeat), Entrapment, criminal negligence, duty of care – the list of illegalities surrounding cover ups goes on. Put that at the top of the Rebel 101 handbook, create unequivocal transparency. Plausible deniability is dead.
● ‘Things taken and captured by pirates and robbers do not change their ownership’.
● ‘What is first is truest and what comes first in time is best at law’.
These last two statements are Maxims of Law:
Maxim – “a conclusion of reason” Coke on Littleton, (11a). “A maxim is a proposition to be of all men confessed and granted without proof, argument, or discourse.” Coke on Littleton. (67a).
A Maxim of Law so-called because its value is the highest and its authority the most reliable, and because it is accepted by all persons at the very highest. (William C. Anderson’s A Dictionary of Law, (1893), page 666) e.g. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied.’
Maxim of Law and Human Rights should be a term of learning at least as part of the education curricular of high school.
With reference to the Little Engine That Could - an American folktale (existing in the form of several illustrated children’s books and films) that became widely known in the United States after publication in 1930 by Platt & Munk. The story is used to teach children the value of optimism and hard work. The proof is in the pudding that these two values have very much been key to my legal and human rights successes.
I have been relentless with the police forces who have recklessly endangered and have been criminally negligent with my life. Refusing to be oppressed, to be ignored or silenced. I’ve left messages on any and every police answering machine I could find, leaving years of emotionally distressed messages showing the levels of psychological warfare attacks against my persons in a cover up. Showing the levels of government invested in this cover up and the endless amount of tax payers money that has been used to hide the truth. Leaving record’s endlessly within and externally through governments departments and independently funded organisations. The facts are irrefutable and the number of government employees involved in the cover up I can liken to my experience at Sharley House. Everyone must have suspected Robert was sexually abusing these clients yet Everyone had something to hide or cared more about protecting the tax payers income they received as opposed to caring about the tax payer that was their client. A client that relied on them for their welfare, as citizens rely on police. A trove of employees willing to sacrifice lives for their easy, corrupt living. I witnessed callous chaos in disabled caring and the police force. Two government led departments with said employee demand issues – understaffed, under qualified an excuse to lower the standards of responsibility to criminally life threatening levels. I used/utilised recorded phone calls to government departments to call out malfeasance and criminality. Centrelink has that many recordings of the institutional abuses - illegal conduct from police forces desperate to distort to truth and refocus investigation in a cover up of sex crimes. Sex crimes announced by myself on their records and apparently on record also with police via my ‘off’ phone. Centrelink Australia is often used and abused by politicians and employees to rort. In 2012, while I was studying Accounting and managing brand Barbwire Noose, my details - my identity was stolen via a Queensland employee who I was never informed was dismissed or reported to police for the crime.
Robodebt is just the tip of the iceberg regarding government welfare system abuses in Australia. Robodebt - ripping off the poorest in the country of this time while paedophile Hillsong church paid no tax. Seriously, the shamelessness of the government slaves that obey these corrupt policies for a job I feel is as much to blame as the government. If you see the government doing the wrong thing as an employee, you should be proud to say no I will not rort my family, my neighbours, friends and community. Personally, I know the costs to your livelihood if you do have a voice against government, so I understand those who hold back. That stated, this should not be the way and united we CAN change the practise of ostracization and dismissal as acceptable and united we should. Heavily affected by the compliance of my fellow man in corruption, I also know the cost to communities and national security when a government worker and/or law enforcement members are involved in a cover up. Those petty disruptions to welfare, institutional maladministration and malpractice between friends shows a lack of empathy which is borderline psychotic behaviour from these people. Put bluntly, a person involved in maladministration to effect basic income is not only committing a administrative illegality but they are engaging a criminal act - where a government official is engaging in actions to deprive one of their liberties. Intentional administration abuses – malicious and premeditated in actions intended to cause harm or at the least emotional distress (psychological warfare). Actions to cause intentional harm a crime.
Actions involving malicious, premediated or intended harm to another person are criminal. On a level, one could put forward that the irrefutable engagement of such actions should lead to at the least a psychological assessment of a person’s appropriateness for government their government role. Furthermore, upon the excuse used that “I was doing what I was told” those complicit in corruption without accountability should be booked into a mental asylum because they seriously have evolved no further than monkey’s and I have no idea how they function - this is only kind of a joke in statement.
A civil revolution where we stand up against this tyrannical system is this rebellion. Protest the Overrule as brand Barbwire Noose #protestgraff puts it. Kevin Shipp is a hero, Edward Snowden is a hero, Julian Assange is a hero, John Chris Kiriakou is a hero, David McBride is a hero; I am a hero, and everyone who stands after us, who stood before us and that stood with us (countless and unnamed) – ALL Heros.
The Rebellion, a 101 of everything fun. The stuff worth dying for in life is often Us VS Them – People VS Power. We ended slavery, we ended the war that leadership always starts, we the people – united in our causes change the world! Here’s to A Better World.